He killed me once because the last I'd seen him he wasn't trying to kill me. You're going with the owner then you're running from him then he's ok then you're running from him again.

When done properly this makes the player suspicious and builds tension. text error -After the dinner the whole plot seems to go kind of boofaw. That just makes your use of it seem ever more thoughtless. When does a broken clock ever fill anyone with determination? Additionally Undertale incorporated it into the story, and very well too. All the times in Undertale where that was used were cases that are actually motivational. Weird since isn't that handled automatically in the generator? -Memes and popular game references are okay so long as they don't interfere with the mood, but the one with the clock doesn't even make sense. My notes while playing were: -Jack has a beard on the sprite and not on his mugshot. Especially since everything I'd say would just be mirroring InfectionFiles' review now that I've read that. I was going to play and review this one but meh, not really worth doing so. the grammar,plot,characters,dialog,atmosphere and ending were terrible! there is nothing redeeming this experience at all! Overall I don't recommend this to anyone. the choices in this game are so pointless.who will you save? game over if you pick his wife? wtf? leslie is supposed to be alone why is jack with her? what was the point of getting a gun with ammo and still get killed by the guy? why does jacks sprite have a beard? susan untied the rope on her own? what a terrible ending General 27M This was a horrible experience. seriously needs to be improved why did we go to the back door just for the other guy to leave are party and go to the basement? the point of going their was to leave!. how does a clock not working make you determined? the scene where your all eating has no emotion no feeling your walkign away by yourself. Maybe even of this year!!! - Some user on Metacritic We have not been paid to review this.Default menu in a horror game? its odd how theres no room in the lower right corner of the second floor ? randy is leslies husband? why do they have different last names then? Randy Messarue/Leslie taylor (front desk) the choices are kind of annoying as there is nothing else to do but accept it so theirs no reason for it to be a option. Gamespot A completely novel interpretation of the classical RPG formula. (.)blending seamlessly the puzzle, horror and RPG Maker genres like never before, this is an absolute must-play. Confirmed with a double blind study with a control group. When you try to go to sleep tonight you will hallucinate snakes and stuff. And together we made this one-of-a-kind absolutely unforgettable game. The second half was made by superstroke. Made for the Swap in the Middle 2 Event - The first half was made by bicfarmer. None of which have ever been known to return. Little does she know, the evil snake creatures populating the looks-small-from-the-outside-but-gigantic-on-the-inside house have set up many traps for the curious adventurers who dare venture inside. Not being the brightest, she decides to investigate. Carol heard mysterious rumors about a strange cabin in the outskirts of the village.